7 Free Admin Themes and Plugins for your WordPress

An admin theme in WordPress is quite different compared to an admin color scheme. However, both are very popular with WordPress users because they allow for greater customization.

When you choose a WordPress admin theme plugin, you get to customize the dashboard for your site or a client's site. Not only will this help with branding, but it can also help you organize the site properly. You may be able to change the margins, borders, width, padding and other style and appearance settings within the admin area. Here's a look at some of the top plugins for customizing your WordPress admin area.

Slate Admin Theme (https://wordpress.org/plugins/slate-admin-theme/)

The Slate Admin Theme plugin for WordPress allows you to add a brown admin bar and blue colors for menus, inks and buttons. This plugin will help to improve the writing experience for bloggers, along with giving you a better look for your WordPress admin area.

Blue Admin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/blue-admin/)

As one of the top WordPress Admin Theme plugins, Blue Admin allows you to make your dashboard very minimalistic. It uses blue as the primary color for the admin bar and white as the background. If you want a very clean looking dashboard, this is the right plugin for your needs.

Fancy Admin UI (https://wordpress.org/plugins/fancy-admin-ui/)

The Fancy Admin UI plugin allows you to do more with your dashboard. You can change the top admin bar to blue and use any of the primary or secondary colors you want when you access settings and go to the general menu. The default will give you a soft gray menu bar and a very clean look.

White Label CMS (https://wordpress.org/plugins/white-label-cms/)

White Label CMS isn't an admin theme, but a way to rebrand and customize the WordPress admin area. You can take out WordPress logos, change the size of the admin area and make it fully customized to your specific needs. This is a great plugin for those working on sites for clients.

Tamed Admin Theme (https://wordpress.org/plugins/tamed-admin-theme/)

If you want to make the admin area easier to use, the Tamed Admin Theme is the right plugin for you. It will give you a calmer approach with soothing colors. The clean and simple look can make it easier to work on your site from the user interface.

Admin Color Schemer (https://wordpress.org/plugins/admin-color-schemer/)

Not exactly an admin theme for WordPress, the Admin Color Schemer plugin allows you to change the colors to anything you want. You can change the base, icon, highlight and notification colors, along with some advanced options. The combinations you can come up with are endless.

Reimagined Admin Theme (https://wordpress.org/plugins/reimagined-admin/)

Those looking for a bold look for their admin area will love the Reimagined Admin plugin. This plugin makes it possible to create a darker look with a fun appearance. It's refreshing for some users.

Why Change the Admin Area?

Changing the WordPress admin area isn't requires for great SEO or for anything that will help drive traffic to your WordPress site. However, by changing the colors, size, menu bars and other features, you can customize the admin area to fit your needs and what you like. For some, rebranding will help when working on multiple clients sites, while for others it may just be nice to change the look of the admin area.

If you want to customize the WordPress dashboard, using one of the admin theme plugins above will help you get just what you want. These plugins allow you to change the color scheme and provide you with a better look and function for the WordPress dashboard. They are all a bit different, but one of the plugins above will fit perfectly with your needs.