cPanel Web Hosting Management: Among the Best There Is

There are many items to consider when choosing a web hosting service.  Along with 99% up-time, great customer service, and a variety of features, you will need software that gives you easy access to your web hosting account features. This software is called web host management software, and will make a big difference with your overall experience.
A web hosting service has a variety of choices to choose from when it comes to web hosting management software. Among the best is cPanel.  Here is a quick list of what makes cPanel so great:

  • It is stable.  cPanel has been well done, and they have been around since 1997.
  • Easy to understand user interface.
  • The features in the user interface are broken up into categories to make it easier to find a particular feature.
  • You can go to their website and play with a live demo.
  • It offers a ton of features such as email, auto responders, a variety of logs, easy domain management, database management , and they even still offer Frontpage extensions.
  • cPanel makes it easy to manage each feature it offers.
  • The company is always making cPanel even better then it already is.


You might be wondering why it is so important to have great web hosting management software.  Basically, the web hosting service can offer all the features they want, but if you don't have easy access to these features they will be all for not.
When it is time for you to go shopping for a web hosting service, look for someone who has cPanel installed on their web servers.  It will make a world of difference.

FastWebHosting offers feature rich cPanel web hosting and more.