What can WordPress Users Expect When version 4.3 is Released?

WordPress 4.2 was released in April and development had already started working on the next major release. WordPress 4.3 will be coming soon and there are a few things users should be aware of. Many new features and changes may be coming. Here's what you can expect with WordPress 4.3


No more Plugin for the Favicon
The Favicon or Site Icon currently needs a plugin to be changed or added to your WordPress site. It can also be manually edited within your theme files.


However, with WordPress 4.3, you won't have to worry about this any longer. The new version will allow you to upload any image you want to use as your site icon in the General Settings area. You can even crop the image and see a live preview before making it your site icon.
Theme Options Gong to Customizer Screen
The customizer screen came out in the WordPress 3.9 update and will become even more powerful. All theme options will end up in the customizer screen, which will make it easier to manage navigation menus.

You will still be able to use the old interface, but the new addition to the customizer will make it easier to see a live preview as you create and edit menus.

Stronger Passwords

If you need to reset your password, you will not be given a stronger password as your first option. When you go to the reset screen, WordPress will automatically select a very strong password and add it to the new password box for you.

Of course, you can change this password, but you can also use it since it's very strong. This will also happen when you add a new user. Instead of receiving an email with a password, they will receive an email with a link to the reset password page. They will be able to use the auto-filled strong password or create one of their own from this screen.

Press This will Get a Visual/Text Editor

Currently, Press This doesn't have a Visual/Text Editor, but it will with WordPress 4.3. It will get a full editor, which will make it much easier to format and create posts quickly.
Improvements for Editors
Since most WordPress users spend a large amount of time using the visual and text editor for posts and pages, there are improvements coming. One of the major improvements will allow you to easily start an ordered list with an * or 1. The * will start an unordered list, while the 1. will start an ordered list.

Users will also be able to use the # to create the H1, H2 and H3 tags. Blockquote will be able to be created by using the >, as well.

These shortcuts may take a bit of getting used to, but once you get them down, it will be much easier to create and edit posts in WordPress.


Other Changes

Along with all of these changes coming with the new WordPress 4.3 update, you can expect some under the hood changes, as well.

Developers will be able to select a primary column if they are using list tables. The singular.php file will also become the fallback template for page.php and single.php. Another expected change will be the shared terms on multiple taxonomies becoming split up.

There are many other changes that may come with the WordPress 4.3 update, but these are the main changes expected. No date has been announced for the release, yet, but many have the fall of 2015 targeted as a possibility.

WordPress is still ironing out all the details and there may something major coming we don't know about yet. However, this gives you a look at what to expect with the release of WordPress 4.3.