Which PayPal Plugins are Best for Accepting Payments in WordPress

WordPress provides a great platform for ecommerce and other types of websites. If you plan to use PayPal to accept payments, it can be a bit time consuming to integrate manually. However, with the right WordPress plugins, you can save some time and make the integration seamless. Here are some of the top PayPal plugins for accepting payments in WordPress.

PayPal Responder (https://wordpress.org/plugins/paypal-responder/)

The PayPal Responder plugin provides an easy way to sell individual products on your site. You can set up an autoresponder with it and allow a link for download for digital products. The plugin makes it easy to integrate your products and works best for single product websites.

PayPal Payment Shortcode (https://wordpress.org/plugins/paypal-payments-shortcode/)

This plugin uses WordPress shortcodes to make it very easy to add in PayPal payment acceptance. The PayPal Payment Shortcode plugin is very easy to configure and will allow you to add in parameters and instructions for payments. It's an easy plugin to use and provides just what you want if you don't have a ton of products.

PayPal Donations (https://wordpress.org/plugins/paypal-donations/)

For non-profits, the PayPal donations plugin is a great choice. This plugin will make it easy to take donations. You can use the PayPal WordPress widget with this plugin to add the donation button to your sidebar. You can also choose a custom thank you page to redirect users after they donate to your cause.

PayPal for WooCommerce (https://wordpress.org/plugins/paypal-for-woocommerce/)


WooCommerce is one of the top choices for eCommerce websites. It has support built-in for PayPal with the API and express checkouts. However, this plugin will add a PayPal Payments Pro tab to your checkout settings. This is a great option to help you integrate PayPal if you are already using WooCommerce or plan to use it.

Easy PayPal Shopping Cart (https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-paypal-shopping-cart/)

The Easy PayPal Shopping Cart provides you with the ability to sell on your site and take payments through PayPal. You can easily put up an "add to cart" button on any WordPress page. This plugin will make it easier to integrate PayPal and works for single products and multiple products.

WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-simple-paypal-shopping-cart/)

One of the best plugins for selling multiple products or services on your site, WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart provides a great choice for your shopping cart system. You can easily add the payment option on checkout to an existing shopping cart, as well.

PayPal Pro and PayPal Express (https://easydigitaldownloads.com/downloads/paypal-pro-express/)







A premium plugin from Easy Digital Downloads, PayPal Pro/Express allows you to easily add PayPal to your website. You can use the PayPal Pro API to make the process very easy. This allows customers to enter their payment information without leaving your website. PayPal Pro is available only in the UK, USA, Australia and Canada, however.

Quick PayPal Payments (https://wordpress.org/plugins/quick-paypal-payments/)

Maye the easiest plugin to use on the entire list, Quick PayPal Payments is a very powerful option. It allows you to set up a payment form very easily and use a shortcode to add it to your website. You will also get an easy interface to make it possible to customize the payment form.

PayPal Payments for Gravity Forms (http://www.gravityforms.com/add-ons/paypal/)






If you already have Gravity Forms, this plugin is a great choice for you. The PayPal Payments for Gravity Forms add-on provides you with the ability to use order forms, product purchase forms and donation forms. You can integrate recurring payments and so much more with this add-on, as well.

These are the top choices if you want to accept PayPal payments on your website. You will be able to use all of these plugins with most WordPress themes and easily accept payments on your site.