In this tutorial section we will describe the aTutor administrative features.

All the administrator features are listed under the Home section.
* My Account – You can directly modify your account’s name and the e-mail address.
* Change Password – Here you can change the administrator password.
This section allows you to list all the installed modules, enable, disable and filter them, delete or check their details.
* Install Modules – Through this functionality the administrator can install each of the listed modules or upload additional ones.
More details on how to install additional modules can be found here.
In this section you can check all the students enrolled for a defined course. The users’ privileges can be altered.
In this section you can see the list of the users along with their status and contact details. The users can be edited and enrolled for defined courses. Their status can be altered.
* Create User Account – Here you can create a new user and enter the personal details like the login data, the name, the e-mail address, the physical address, the web site and define the account status.
* Instructor Requests – If the System Preferences->Allow Instructor Requests option is turned on and Auto Approve Instructor Requests is disabled, the pending instructors accounts will be listed.
* Master Student List – The list is disabled by default. If enabled, the new registrations that are validated through the master list will be successful. The feature can be used for the students authentication through the previously assigned Student ID & Birth Date combination. Two more fields will appear on the Registration screen.
* Email Users – This option allows the administrators to send e-mails to the users (students, instructors) of the script. The reply-to address for the email can be specified in the System Preferences section.
* Administrators – Here you can edit the administrator details, add more administrators and check the activity logs.
Detailed instructions on the Courses administration can be found here.