In this tutorial we will show you how to integrate Freeway with Joomla.


The functionality that this integration provides is the sale of the various Freeway commerce items in Joomla, one for each of products, events, services and subscriptions.

Users registering to each of the systems are automatically replicated to the other one.

Display Freeway menu items inside Joomla

Compatibility The extension is developed for Joomla 1.5 and Freeway 1.5.

Linking Freeway and Joomladivider

Freeway requirements:

The Freeway installation must be inside the root of the Joomla directory. For example, if the Joomla installation is a /home/user/public_html/joomla15, Freeway must be installed to /home/user/public_html/joomla15/freeway

The Joomla can either use it’s own database or share the same database as Freeway without any changes because Joomla uses a different database table prefix.

The only setting you need to check is that Shop Setting -> Advanced -> Use Search-Engine Safe URLs is set to true.

Create a directory “tmp” in the root of your Freeway installation and set it’s permissions so the web server can write to it.

Joomla requirements:

Install the Freeway component and all modules that come with it in the installation package.

The Freeway Admin Module is under the Administrator link. All other modules are available under Site. In order to make the Freeway Admin link visible the position should be set as Menu.

Linking Freeway and Joomla is accomplished by copying the link_index.php file from the integration package to the root directory of the Joomla installation.

Freeway Joomla SEF/SEOdivider

The existing Joolma .htaccess file in the root of the Joomla installation should be replaced with the .htaccess file from the integration archive file. If the file was previously altered, make sure you keep all custom modifications you have made. Note that it is possible certain rewrite rules you have added to interfere with the Joomla/Freeway integration functionality.

In case the Joomla installation is not at the web root for your domain name for example, under directory ‘joomla’, you should uncomment and update the line for RewriteBase. In case the installation is under Joomla the option should look like this:

RewriteBase /joomla

Note that Freeway admin backend -> Shop Setting -> Advanced -> Use Search-Engine Safe URLs should be set to true.