It’s a great idea to dedicate your website to your family! This is especially useful when some of your family members live at a distance and you see each other rarely. The website will help you unite your family and share interesting facts about each other’s life.

On your family website, you may upload your wedding album, pictures of your newborn baby, sound files with your baby’s talk, or any other information that might be interesting to your family. This will certainly help them feel closer to you.

How to create a family website?


There are many ways you can go about building your family website. You may use any content management system or blog that you like. If you have never heard of any of those, we recommend you the most user-friendly and free ones:

  • Joomla
  • WordPress

If you wonder which one to choose, you may contact our Sales Department and have them assist you with the choice. After you choose your script, you may contact the FastWebHost support team to have the script installed on your website for free.

FastWebHost offers free tutorials to help you manage your family website easily:

  • Joomla Tutorial
  • WordPress Tutorial