If you are really passionate about your hobby, why not tell the world about it? No matter if you like playing American football, cycling, gardening, watching movies, cooking, listening to Jennifer Lopez or else, you may dedicate your website to that hobby of yours. Thanks to your website, you can make your hobby more popular, learn new and interesting facts related to that activity, and attract followers.

Websites dedicated to famous actors and singers are very popular as well. Passionate fans often dedicate their websites to their favorite stars. These websites become the focal point of large fan clubs and bring lots of people with the same interest together.

How to create a hobby-oriented website?


There are many ways you can build your hobby website. We recommend you to use a free content management system, or a blog script to build such a website. The two most user-friendly and free scripts are:

  • Joomla
  • WordPress

Select which one you wish to use and contact the FastWebHost support team to have the script installed on your website for free. FastWebHost offers free tutorials to help you manage your hobby site easily:

  • Joomla Tutorial
  • WordPress Tutorial