In this tutorial you will learn how to install additional themes to your SilverStripe website.

To install a new theme, follow the steps below:

STEP 1 Check the official SilverStripe website for free themes.

STEP 2 Once you find a theme you like, download it to your computer.

STEP 3 Upload the theme package to the “themes” folder inside your SilverStripe directory.

STEP 4 Extract the theme package.

STEP 5 To set the new theme, you should edit the _config.php file located in your mysite folder.

The line you should edit is:SSViewer::set_theme('blackcandy');

If, for example, you wish to install the wine theme from, after you upload and extract the theme package to the “themes” folder, you should open mysite/_config.php and change:

SSViewer::set_theme('blackcandy');to SSViewer::set_theme('wine');

Here’s how our Test page would look like with the “wine” theme:
